This is how Paolo Arrigoni, a partner and director of Arrigoni Spa (Uggiate Trevano - CO) and of Sachim srl (Putignano - BA), as well as a partner of Artes srl (Schio - VI) and Arrigoni TEXAGRI (Tirgu - Romania) speaks of Mr. Giuseppe Starace, telling about his long professional relationship with him and his organization." ARRIGONI Spa has been operating in the sector of technical textiles, particularly agrotextiles for many years (in this page the Company profile can be downloaded). In 2000 it took over the majority share of SACHIM, relaunching it with new and significant investments and creating a state-of-the-art facility for technology, quality and flexibility. Success was mainly due to the team built up during time who trusted the global project and worked with enthusiasm and ability. Among these, Mr. Giuseppe Starace has become a main actor in setting up and follow: - the quality certifications ISO 14001 - ISO 9001 - EMAS at Sachim srl; - the quality certification ISO 9001 at Artes Politecnica srl; - the quality certification ISO 9001 at Arrigoni Spa; - training of young engineers working in SACHIM; - attention to energy saving and alternative energy adoption issues; - the coordination of many research projects; - the birth of the product DELIMITA for environmental COVID-19 containment; [http://www.btbore di-taranto-arrigoni- punta-a-realizzare- una-rete-in-tessuto- unico-al-mondo/] As head of the companies I have also compared profitably with Mr. Starace on different management issues and I have always found in him attention, intelligence and dynamism. |
Così si esprime Paolo Arrigoni, socio di riferimento e amministratore di Arrigoni Spa (Uggiate Trevano - CO) e di Sachim srl (Putignano - BA), nonché socio di Artes srl (Schio - VI) e Arrigoni TEXAGRI (Tirgu - Romania) circa il suo lungo rapporto professionale con l'ing. Giuseppe Starace e la sua organizzazione. "ARRIGONI Spa opera nel settore dei tessuti tecnici e degli agrotessili da molti anni (in questa pagina si può scaricare il Company profile). Nel 2000 ha rilevato la quota maggioritaria di SACHIM rilanciandola con nuovi e ingenti investimenti e creando una struttura all’avanguardia per tecnologia, qualità e flessibilità. Il merito del successo si deve al team di collaboratori che hanno creduto nel progetto ed operato con entusiasmo e capacità. Tra questi, l’Ing. Giuseppe Starace si è reso protagonista nell’impostare e seguire: - le certificazioni qualità ISO 14001 – ISO 9001 - EMAS in SACHIM srl; - la certificazione di qualità ISO 9001 in Artes Politecnica srl; - la certificazione di qualità ISO 9001 in Arrigoni Spa; - la formazione dei giovani ingegneri che operano in SACHIM srl; - la sensibilità verso il risparmio energetico e la energia alternativa; - il coordinamento di numerosi progetti di ricerca; - la nascita del prodotto DELIMITA per il contenimento ambientale del COVID-19; - [http://www.btbore di-taranto-arrigoni- punta-a-realizzare- una-rete-in-tessuto- unico-al-mondo/] Come capo dell’azienda mi sono inoltre confrontato proficuamente con l’Ing. Starace su diverse tematiche gestionali ed ho sempre trovato attenzione, intelligenza e dinamismo." |
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Year | Citation reference, Abstract, Internet link | |
2020 (September) |
Research paper on International magazine: Improved Porosity of Insect Proof Screens Enhances Quality Aspects of Zucchini Squash without Compromising the Yield Plants (MDPI, Switzerland) 2020, 9, 1264; doi:10.3390/plants9101264 --- ISSN 2223-7747 Authors: L. Formisano, A. Pannico, C. El-Nakhel, G. Starace, M. Poledica, S. De Pascale, Y. Rouphael |
In a global climate change environment, assuring optimal growing conditions is a difficult challenge, compromising the food supply for a rapidly rising population. The climatic conditions in the protected environment lead to high temperatures and fast insect development, impacting productivity and vegetables qualitative attributes. Consumers’ interest in healthy food requires sustainable tools to manage biotic and abiotic factors and, from this perspective, anti-insect nets represent an excellent “green” solution. For this purpose, our goal was to compare two different anti-insect nets on microclimate, production, and qualitative traits of Cucurbita pepo L. fresh fruits. The experiment was conducted in three separate polyethylene high tunnels, with 50 mesh anti-insect nets of different porosities being installed on the openings of two tunnels, while the third tunnel was a control without nets. Microclimate measurements, as well as yield, physiological, and phytochemicals variables, were assessed. The 50 mesh net led to a decrease in marketable yield (22.5%), fruit number (18.0%), CO2 net assimilation rate (6.0%), and transpiration rate (29.5%). Total soluble solids, antioxidant activities and total ascorbic acid concentration had an opposite trend. The 50 mesh AirPlus net improved quality aspects of zucchini fruits by increasing total ascorbic acid, total phenols, and antioxidant compounds, with no negative impact on yield. | ||
2020 (May) |
Research paper on an Italian Web Magazine: Ottimizzazione dello scambio termico nelle fasi di stiro e stabilizzazione del monofilamento in HDPE con forni ad acqua e ad aria - Lecce (Italy) (in Italian) ISSN (ISSN-L): 2038-9302 Authors: L. De Pascalis, G. Starace |
Nella produzione di monofilamenti in polietilene ad alta densità (HDPE), le fasi di stiro e stabilizzazione sono realizzate da forni con elevati consumi di energia termica e bassa efficienza. L’ottimizzazione dei processi può avvenire solo se vi è un’approfondita conoscenza dei fenomeni di trasmissione del calore tra fili e fluido circostante (aria o acqua). I coefficienti di scambio termico dipendono dalla distanza di separazione tra i filamenti che attraversano il forno, come dalla temperatura e dalla velocità relativa tra fili e fluido; le variazioni di questi parametri, se ben gestite nell’ambito di precisi range, consentono di agire efficacemente sulle dimensioni del forno e quindi sui consumi di energia termica. Le simulazioni termofluidodinamiche condotte prendono in esame due particolari modelli commerciali di forno, uno ad acqua e l’altro ad aria. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che una distanza di 2,5 mm tra i fili permette di massimizzare il coefficiente di scambio termico convettivo, pari a circa 5000 W/(m2 K) nel caso dell’acqua e a circa 470 W/(m2 K) per l’aria. La potenza necessaria a realizzare i processi è pari a circa 47 kW nel caso della vasca ad acqua e di 17 kW in quello del forno ad aria. Si osserva, dunque, che, per i due modelli di forno esaminati, anche se le condizioni di scambio termico dell’acqua sono molto migliori rispetto all’aria, la possibilità di adottare temperature più elevate di quest’ultima permette una riduzione della potenza totale: il modello di forno ad aria è alimentabile con una potenza pari a circa il 36% di quella necessaria al modello di vasca ad acqua. |
2019 (September) |
Research paper at International Congress: Comparison of the efficiency of plastic nets for shading greenhouse in different climates -Mid-Term AIIA Conference Biosystems Engineering for sustainable agriculture, forestry and food production” by Springer International Publishing AG, Matera 12-13 September 2019. Authors: D. Statuto, A.M. Abdel-Ghany, G. Starace, P. Arrigoni, P. Picuno also included in the book: "Innovative biosystems engineering for sustainable agriculture, forestry and food production. International Mid-Term Conference 2019 AIIA" Lecture Series in Civil Engineering, vol. 67, pp. 287-294 Springer International Publishing AG - April 2020 |
In order to limit the internal air temperature during summer and create optimum cultivation conditions in the greenhouses, a common solution utilized bygrowers is the shading against excessive solar radiation using plastic nets; this is dueto their photo-selective properties.With the aim to analyse the efficacy of the shading effect of plastic nets in different climates, experimental trials have been carried out on some identical small-scale tunnels installed in two different locations, one in Mediterranean area (Acerenza—Southern Italy) and one in arid conditions (Riyadh— Saudi Arabia). These tunnels have been covered with a plastic film and shaded with a white plastic net installed either in contact or at a distance of 20 cm over the cladding film. The radiometrical characteristics of the plastic film and nets have been determined through laboratory tests,while the internal microclimatic conditions have been monitored inside these experimental tunnels in both locations. The obtained results are the base for a comparative analysis to evaluate the performance of different nets, and to explore the role of shading on the temperature reduction and quality of light in different climates. | ||
2018 (June) |
Poster at Italian Congress: Si.Pro.Xy.Net - Sistemi di protezione dei vivai dagli insetti vettori di Xylella (Presentation of the results) in Xylella Fastidiosa: obiettivi, metodi e strategie - organized by the Apulian Regional Authority - June 13th, 2018 - University Campus Lecce (I) Authors: S. Castellano, A. Di Palma, G.S. Germinara, M. Lippolis, G. Scarascia Mugnozza, G. Starace | |
A net protection system- specific for in field cultivations and for nurseries of olive trees and plant production- against the vectors of Xylella fastidiosa was studied. Mesh size, kind of fabric, threads typologies and radiometric properties were taken into account for the design optimization of the net. The mesh size of the net was settled on the geometric dimensions of the adult form of P. spumarius L.- one of three kinds of spittlebugs currently found in Apulia Region as vectors of to the bacterium. Experimental nets were performed in SACHIM factory in Putignano, Italy. Six nets with different kind of fabric and mesh size were tested. Preliminarily, nets were tested in laboratory; afterwards, an experimental apparatus (net-box) for in field test was built. Based on these first results, the net that better fulfilled the required performance was the mono-wire knitted one with the wider mesh tested. A further set of in field tests was performed in order to evaluate which height from the ground the vectors were able to reach on a net fence. At this aim, a wooden frame covered with nets was placed in an olive tree cultivation during the period July-October 2017; yellow adhesive traps were arranged on the vertical surfaces of the frame at different heights from the ground. The maximum value of captures was gathered during August with 14 specimens of both spittlebugs found in all the captures at different heights, and a maximum of 5 specimens of both spittlebugs found in the captures at 185cm from the ground. | ||
2017 (July) |
Research paper on International journal: already presented at the International Symposium on New Technologies and Management for Greenhouses - GreenSys2015): Evaluation of plastic nets air flow performance in a micro wind tunnel Acta Horticolturae 1170, 353-358 - International Society for Horticultural Science, Leuven (B) doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1170.43 ISSN: 05677572 ISBN: 978-946261166-5 Authors: S. Castellano, G. Starace, L. De Pascalis, M. Lippolis, G. Scarascia Mugnozza |
In order to evaluate the influence of the texture characteristics of agricultural nets on the air flow passing through, a micro wind tunnel was built in the “Testing and Engineering Laboratory” at the Sachim SRL, an Italian HDPE technical textiles manufacturer. The wind tunnel allowed setting up the inclination of the net samples inside with respect to the air flow (90° perpendicular, 60°, 45°, 30°). First results in terms of coefficient of discharge of 4 flat woven round monofilament HDPE nets are reported in this paper. The net response to the air flow was based on the discharge coefficient approach based on Bernoulli’s theory. Results confirmed the parabolic dependence of the pressure drop on the square of the velocity and on the porosity by means of the parameter (1-ε2)/ε2. Concerning the influence of inclination of the net on loss coefficient, a correlation with sen2θ was found, described by an exponential regression curve depending on the porosity of the net. |
2017 (July) |
Poster at International Conference: Evaluation of Rain Permeability of Agricultural Nets: First Experimental Results in Proceedings of the 11th International AIIA Conference: “Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st century”, July 5th-8th, 2017, Bari (I) Authors: S. Castellano, M. Lippolis, M. De Musso, G. Starace Presenter: S. Castellano |
A system made of technical textiles able to protect cultivations from the damages of rain fall and to let air to pass through, could increase the reliability of predictions for the harvesting of many fruits such as cherries. To this purpose a test device was designed and set up at Sachim srl to simulate and measure the rain permeability of agricultural nets at different inclinations, in terms of water amount reduction passing through the net when exposed to rain. The rain permeability index of the net was defined as the ratio between the water sprayed by the nozzles and the water gathered into the container under the net sample. Nets with different geometrical characteristics such as porosity, texture, kind of threads were tested; the effect of the net inclination was investigated, as well as the real contribution to the rain permeability decrease of a double layers textile scheme. First results allowed to understand the influence of the main parameters to the rain permeability of the nets. The porosity, defined as the ratio between the surface of empties and the area of the net, seemed not to play a significant role as was observed when air permeability tests were performed. The mesh size, the inclination of the net and the use of the double layers scheme of the protection system were found to give the most significant change to the rain permeability behaviour of the nets. Studies have also been carried out to overcome the present limits of single layer protection textiles in order to reach an advantageous as well as predictable low permeability to rain. |
2017 (July) |
Research paper at International Conference: Testing of Net Based Protection Systems against the Vector of Xylella fastidiosa In Proceedings of the 11th International AIIA Conference: “Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st century”, July 5th-8th, 2017, Bari (I) Authors: S. Castellano, A.M. Di Palma, S. G. Germinara, M. Lippolis , G. Scarascia Mugnozza, G. Starace Internet links Engineers test nets to block Xylella (on - on 22nd August by Thomas Simpson Book of Abstracts of the11th International AIIA Conference: “Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st century” |
A net protection system- specific for in field cultivations and for nurseries of olive trees and plant production- against the vector of Xylella fastidiosa was studied. Mesh size, kind of fabric, threads typologies were taken into account for the design optimization of the net. In absence of studies concerning the response of Philaenus spumarius L. to colors, transparent wires and white strips were chosen in the tests. Experimental nets were produced in SACHIM factory in Putignano, Italy. Six nets with different kind of fabric and mesh size were tested. Preliminarily, nets were tested in laboratory, afterwards, an experimental apparatus (net-box) for in field test was built. Based on these first results, the net which better fulfilled the required performance was the monowire knitted one with the wider mesh tested (2.4mm). | ||
2016 (October) |
Research paper on International Journal: Experimental Results on Air Permeability of Agricultural Nets Journal of Agricultural Engineering (JAE) - vol.LVII:542 [vol. 3 (2016] - Bologna (I) doi:10.4081/jae.2016.542 Authors: S.Castellano, G. Starace, L. De Pascalis, M. Lippolis, G. Scarascia Mugnozza |
In order to evaluate the influence of the texture characteristics of agricultural nets on the air flow passing through them, a micro wind tunnel was designed and built in the testing and engineering laboratory of Sachim s.r.l., an Italian high-density polyethylene (HDPE) technical textiles manufacturer. The micro wind tunnel (0.1345 m diameter) allowed the simultaneous measurement of the air flowrate and the pressure drop through a net sample. The equipment was designed to set up the inclination of the net samples with respect of the airflow at fixed angles (90°, 60°, 45°, 30°). The variation of the pressure drop with the air velocity on four different flat woven round monofilament HDPE nets perpendicular to the air flow are here reported. In all cases the air velocity measured into the micro wind tunnel was above 4 m s–1 hence reported results do not consider low wind speed. Preliminarily, the loss coefficient was assumed as a function of porosity and Reynolds number, calculated with reference to the equivalent diameter of the pores, FS(Rel,ε) and showed percent deviations form experimental results in the range 14.6%÷25.3%. Hence a simplified expression of the loss coefficient, depending only on the porosity was proposed, FS(ε) which highlighted differences with experimental results in the range 3.5%÷20.3%. Finally, results were compared with those based on the Bernoulli’s principle found in the literature. | ||
2016 (August) | Research paper on International Journal: Test Results and Empirical Correlations to Account for Air Permeability of Agricultural Nets Biosystems Engineering (2016), pp. 131-141 - Elsevier (UK) doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng. 2016.07.007 Authors: S.Castellano, G. Starace, L. De Pascalis, M. Lippolis, G. Scarascia Mugnozza |
Fifteen HDPE agricultural nets were tested inside a micro wind tunnel (0.1345 m diameter) to establish their characteristic air flow rate vs pressure drop curves with velocities >4 m s−1. The air pressure drop through the net was accounted for, with reference to the Bernoulli scheme, by means of the loss coefficient. Experimental results confirmed those available in the literature, in terms of the dependence of the pressure drop on the velocity squared and the net porosity, ε, by means of the function . The influence of the orifice geometry was investigated and an effect equivalent to the increase in net porosity was identified in textile pores with elongated shapes. As with previous studies, the loss coefficient trend was found to fit the product of two functions, one depending on the porosity, and the other on the Reynolds number defined using the pore equivalent diameter. The calculated values of the loss coefficient show deviations from experimental results in the range of 19.9–41.1%. In addition, a new formulation for the loss coefficient, dependent only on the porosity and wet perimeter was proposed. Except for higher porosity nets the simplified formulation, showed the best match with the experimental data. The two formulations of the loss coefficient proposed here were compared with those found in the literature. | ||
2016 (February) | Research paper on International Journal: Thermography-enhanced LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) for manufacturing sustainability assessment. The Case Study of an HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Net Company in Italy. Energy - Elsevier (UK) doi: 10.1016/ Authors: F. Intini, M. Chimienti, M. Dassisti, G. Starace |
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is nowadays a commonly implemented approach for evaluating resource consumptions and for benchmarking purposes. It suffers some limitations, mainly related to its assumptions on linear resource -consumption behaviour as well as on the non-context specific data. On the other hand, it is an extremely powerful tool for decision-making support in the sustainability assessment of manufacturing processes, providing its well-structured approach and widely accepted procedure. Deepening the assessment capabilities of such a tool is thus an important opportunity. This paper is intended to build upon this concept by proposing an improved approach consisting in supplying in-process information concerning energy consumption and other process state conditions through thermography. The case of an Italian industrial company producing HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) nets for agriculture is taken as test bed case to show pros and cons of this idea. Actually, this approach resulted into a better assessment of the sustainability profile of the whole production process in terms of energy consumptions and environmental impacts. This in turn became an updated management tool for real-time decision making closer to the real conditions. |
2015 (December) | R&D article (on the Internet): Italy: Air Permeability on Arrigoni Nets Hortidaily: http://www.hortidaily. com/article/23091/Italy-Air-permeability-on-Arrigoni-nets |
Inside its production facility in Apulai (Sachim Srl), Arrigoni Spa develops its products measuring their performances concerning light transmission, resistance to stress and deformation and air permeability. This last characteristic is analysed using equipment designed specifically by Giuseppe Starace, the head of the research team. The air permeability test aims at creating a “classification” based on the resistance opposed to the air that passes through different nets or fabrics. It is easy to understand the usefulness of this if you think that, for example: Ventilation must be guaranteed in a netted greenhouse; It is necessary to make sure open field crops transpire but are protected at the same time; In the construction sector, nets protecting scaffolding may have to deal with strong winds. |
2015 (July) |
Poster and article at an International Conference: Evaluation of Plastic Nets Performance in Micro Wind Tunnel GreenSys2015 - International Symposium on New Technologies and Management for Greenhouses - Evora (Portugal) Authors: S.Castellano, L. De Pascalis, M. Lippolis, G. Scarascia Mugnozza, G. Starace Presenter: S. Castellano |
In order to evaluate the influence of the texture characteristics of agricultural nets on the air flow passing through, a micro wind tunnel was built in the “Testing and Engineering Laboratory” at the Sachim SRL, an Italian HDPE technical textiles manufacturer. The wind tunnel allowed setting up the inclination of the net samples inside with respect to the air flow (90° perpendicular, 60°, 45°, 30°). First results in terms of coefficient of discharge of 4 flat woven round monofilament HDPE nets are reported in this paper. The net response to the air flow was based on the discharge coefficient approach based on Bernoulli’s theory. Results confirmed the parabolic dependence of the pressure drop on the square of the velocity and on the porosity by means of the parameter (1-ε2)/ε2. Concerning the influence of inclination of the net on loss coefficient, a correlation with sen2θ was found, described by an exponential regression curve depending on the porosity of the net. | ||
2014 (November) | Research paper on International Journal: Development of Antibacterial Silver Treatments on HDPE Nets for Agriculture Journal of Applied Polymer Science - Wiley doi: 10.1002/app.41623 Authors: S. De Simone, F.A. Lombardi, F. Paladini, A. Sannino , M. Pollini, G. Starace |
The defense mechanism of crops associated with the use of polymeric nets and fabrics is only physical and, hence, ineffective against the bacterial contaminations. The presence of an antibacterial agent associated with the use of conventional agro-textiles can represent a great advantage in the prevention of plant diseases and for food safety. The aim of this work was the development of antibacterial silver-coated HDPE nets for an innovative application such as agriculture. Antibacterial coatings on high-density polyethylene nets were obtained by a patented nanosilver deposition technique based on the in situ photo-reduction of a silver solution. The concentration of silver deposited was defined by testing different silver solutions from a biological point of view. Moreover, in order to improve the adhesion of the silver coating to the substrate, the nets underwent low-pressure plasma treatment before the silver deposition. The materials were characterized in terms of quality of the coating through scanning electron microscopy, and in terms of antibacterial capability on Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria through qualitative and quantitative microbiological tests. The most effective process parameters were defined and the importance of performing plasma pretreatment on this specific substrate was assessed. | ||
2013 (August) |
Internet article with interview to G. Starace (in Italian): Dopo l'Ilva di Taranto Arrigoni punta a realizzare una rete in tessuto unico al mondo Journalist: Domenico Megali Business International Magazine. Milan (I) Available on the Internet |
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